Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service 0295 024 882

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For stakeholders


The newsletter is delivered to your inbox and contain current information about the development of the Yrittäjän talousapu counselling service, operations of the regional network of experts, communications around the service and tips for further reading. The newsletter is published approximately once per month and is in Finnish.

Do you want to join a regional network that helps entrepreneurs?

Regional services provide personalised support for entrepreneurs

In addition to our national helpline and online services, entrepreneurs can turn to our wide network of experts around Finland for help. The experts in the network provide entrepreneurs with confidential, independent counselling and mentoring free of charge. Would you like to join the network? Please contact us if you would like to commit to actively helping out entrepreneurs in your area. We provide the experts joining the network with information, training, peer support, networking opportunities and, above all, a chance to be part of building a Finland that is more favourable towards entrepreneurship.

Contact us:

Teemu Korhonen
johtava yritysneuvoja
puh. 050 312 8990
[email protected]

Regional network of experts

Elinkeino-, liikenne- ja ympäristökeskus - Työ ja elinkeinoministeriö - Yrittäjät - Early Warning Europe

ely-updated 13.06.2024