Häme Business Services

We will help you with matters related to funding, recruitment, growth and internationalisation as well as personnel training needs.

Services for starting entrepreneurs

Are you starting a business?

Start-up grant helps you with new full-time business activities and employment. It safeguards the entrepreneur’s income for the time it should take them to start and establish a business, however for a maximum of 12 months.

Häme TE Office’s Business Services, tel. +358 295 041 440 (weekdays 9–16:15), starttiraha.hame(at)te-toimisto.fi.

Read more about the start-up grant

Sub-regional business services

Personal advice and consultation for the preparation of the business plan and the financial and profitability calculations needed as appendices to the start-up grant application, as well as the development of the business idea and the establishment of the company, are available from the Finnish Enterprise Agencies.

Lahti Region Development LADEC Ltd Lahti, Asikkala, Hollola, Orimattila, Padasjoki, Hartola and Iitti

The national Enterprise Finland telephone service advises new entrepreneurs on the most typical issues related to setting up a company and entrepreneurship, tel. +358 295 020 500 (weekdays 9 am - 4:15 pm). The website https://www.suomi.fi/company also contains plenty of information and services for companies and start-ups.

StartHub on vuonna 2019 toimintansa aloittanut uusien startup -ideoiden kiihdyttämö ja hautomo. Tiiviissä yhteisössä synnytetään uusia menestysyrityksiä Lahden seudulle ja autetaan ideasta eteenpäin. Yhteisössä toimii tällä hetkellä yli 40 aktiivista startupia, joille kokonaisuus on maksuton. Toimitilat sijaitsevat LAB Lahden kampuksella Mukkulassa. Toiminnan rahoittavat Lahden kaupunki, LAB-ammattikorkeakoulu ja Isku Oy.

Tutustu tarkemmin StartHubiin (starthub.fi)

ely-updated 02.01.2024