Häme Business Services

We will help you with matters related to funding, recruitment, growth and internationalisation as well as personnel training needs.


Team Finland services and regional teams will support your company in Häme

Team Finland regional teams in Kanta-Häme and Päijät-Häme feature experts from the ELY Centre, Business Finland, TE Office and Finnvera, working in close cooperation to support your company’s growth. You can also contact the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and the business services of Finland’s international network through the regional Team Finland coordinator. The Team Finland coordinator represents all Team Finland organisations in the region, and the coordinators will help you find the services and funding that are most suitable for the company’s export efforts.

TE Office experts assist in international recruitments. International recruitments.

Contact information



Matti Nykänen.

Matti Nykänen
tel. +358 295 025 079
Team Finland, ELY Centre, Business Finland, Finnvera, foreign networks

Tuomo Kauha.

Tuomo Kauha
tel. +358 295 025 147
Team Finland, ELY Centre, Business Finland, Finnvera, foreign networks

The ELY Centre for Häme supports the internationalisation of companies through advice and business funding: Development grants and rural business funding help your company become international both in the areas of development and investments. Ask for more information about internationalisation funding and services from the Team Finland coordinator. 

Business Finland provides funding (grants and loans) for internationalisation, research, product development and a wide range of business development needs, with a particular focus on small and medium-sized enterprises. Large companies and research organisations can receive funding for joint projects with SMEs. You can also contact Business Finland’s export funding and advice through the Team Finland coordinator. 

The foreign network of the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and Business Finland also maintain the Export Market Opportunities website, where foreign offices publish details of business opportunities as well as other information for Finnish companies.   

Finnvera provides financing for the start, growth and internationalisation of enterprises and for protection against export risk. It strengthens the operating potential and competitiveness of Finnish enterprises by providing loans, guarantees and export credit guarantees. The risks included in financing are shared between Finnvera and other providers of financing. 

The TE Office provides support for international recruitments (e.g., EURES activities) and the development of your company’s expertise (e.g., joint purchase training). Our growth service experts survey the needs of companies seeking growth in the domestic market and, if necessary, direct the company investing in exports to the Team Finland coordinator. 

The Ministry for Foreign Affairs supports the internationalisation of companies through its network of embassies and missions by providing information and services for the internationalisation of companies in the target market. The Ministry for Foreign Affairs also supports the removal of barriers to trade and the promotion of investments in Finland. You can contact the foreign network through the Team Finland coordinator.

    • The ELY Centre for Häme
    • Business Finland
    • Finnvera
    • The TE Office
    • LAB University of Applied Sciences
    • LUT University
    • Salpaus Further Education
    • City of Lahti
    • City of Heinola
    • City of Orimattila
    • City of Hollola
    • Municipality of Iitti
    • Lahti Region Development LADEC Ltd
    • Häme Chamber of Commerce
    • Päijät-Hämeen Yrittäjät
    • The Regional Counscil of Päijät-Häme
    • The ELY Centre for Häme
    • City of Hämeenlinna
    • Linnan Kehitys Oy
    • Forssan Yrityskehitys Oy
    • Riihimäen Tilat ja Kehitys Oy
    • Finnvera
    • Business Finland
    • City of Forssa
    • Municipality of Janakkala
    • Hämeen yrittäjät
    • Häme Chamber of Commerce
    • The Finnish Institute for Enterprise Management
    • The Regional Counscil of Päijät-Häme
    • The TE Office in Häme
    • Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK)
    • Tavastia Education Consortium 
    • Pro Agria

ely-updated 02.08.2024