Häme Business Services

We will help you with matters related to funding, recruitment, growth and internationalisation as well as personnel training needs.

Development of personnel and training

Do you want to develop your workforce expertise?

Through Häme Business Services, you can find several opportunities for developing personnel expertise. You can plan joint purchase training together with the TE Office. It is suitable for training new workforce, the development of existing personnel or supporting those that have been laid off. Training on Finnish or Swedish is also possible. Read more

Labour market training is planned with consideration to the needs of the company, and it aims at attaining the participant’s degree or module. The aim is to provide companies in the region with skilled workforce. Read more

Through the ELY Centre, the management and key personnel of growth-oriented SMEs can participate in training organised on three themes: Managing Growth, Management of Finance and Productivity and Management of Marketing and Customer Relationships. Read more

The ELY Centre also offers help in developing the diversity of the company. Read more

ely-updated 02.01.2024