Häme Business Services

We will help you with matters related to funding, recruitment, growth and internationalisation as well as personnel training needs.

Growth services and business development

Growth services include an extensive survey of your company’s needs and guidance towards suitable services as well as advice of business development services provided by the ELY Centre. 

Business development services can help you get external expert assistance for developing your company. The services consist of Analysis, Consulting and Training Services. We at the ELY Centre have already tendered for experts with a wide range of expertise. Among these experts, you can find help in areas such as internationalisation, marketing, finances, transfers of ownership, personnel management and the protection of innovations. The ELY Centre can help you choose the right expert. 

You can also ask for advice from our local partners Finnish Enterprise Agencies and local development companies to develop your business ideas. Read more: Business development.

Contact information



Heli Nieminen.

Heli Nieminen
tel. +358 295 041 676

Jari Lartama
tel. +358 295 041 657

Annika Kuhlman
tel. +358 295 041 764

Jussi Miettinen
tel. +358 295 041 843

Marja Leppänen
tel. +358 295 041 815

Marko Raatikainen
tel. +358 295 041 879

Minna Talvikunnas
tel. +358 295 041 521

Jenni Salvisto
tel. +358 295 041 506




ely-updated 02.01.2024