Talent Coastline

Boosting Growth in Ostrobothnian Regions

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The operators of the Talent Coastline ecosystem consist of actors in public administration, educational institutions and higher education institutions as well as in the business interface and development companies. We meet at the Talent Coastline Forum about once every two months to share current news about our networks and to co-develop solutions to questions about helping foreign labour force move to and settle in the region.  

The Talent Coastline ecosystem is facilitated by the Ostrobothnia ELY Centre. The ecosystem also involves the Ostrobothnia TE Office, the Regional State Administrative Agency, the EURES services, the Regional Council of Central Ostrobothnia, the Regional Council of Ostrobothnia and the Team Finland network. In addition, actors in the municipalities and cities of Central Ostrobothnia and Ostrobothnia, especially from guidance and advisory services for immigrants, are part of the ecosystem's operators.    

Some educational institutions participating include Eduneva, EduVamia, Hanken, Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius, Kpedu, Novia, Optima, Osuvakoulutus, Vamia, VAMK, Yrkesakademin and Åbo Akademi University. Talent Coastline's key actors also include the Talent Hubs of Centria University of Applied Sciences and the University of Vaasa. 

Ecosystem operators particularly involved in the corporate cooperation are Concordia, Dynamo, KASE, Keski-Pohjanmaan yrittäjät, KOSEK, Kristinestad Business Center, Ostrobothnia Chamber of Commerce, Rannikkoseudun Yrittäjät, Vaasan yrittäjät and VASEK. 

ely-updated 04.07.2024