Extended Producer Responsibility

Producer responsibility applies to approximately 50,000 Finnish manufacturers, importers and packers as well as distance sellers.

Reception locations for waste subject to producer responsibility

Waste that comes under producer responsibility can be handed in free of charge at acceptance facilities provided by producers and producer organisations, which will send them onwards to be recycled. Local collection points for most product types are listed at kierratys.info.


Producer responsibility applies to the following products – please do not dispose of them as mixed waste:

  • Small batteries can be returned free of charge to stores and most waste stations. For other batteries and accumulators, such as batteries used in electric vehicles and vehicle batteries (lead), the collection points are listed at:

  • The last owner of the vehicle must hand it over at an official take-back point. The facility issues a scrapping certificate, which relieves the owner of all responsibility for the vehicle. Vehicle dismantlers work in cooperation with the producer if it has a valid environmental permit and a cooperation agreement with an operator who is a member of the producer organisation. The current operators are Kuusakoski Oy, Stena Recycling Oy, Eurajoen Romu Oy and Kajaanin Romu Oy. Take-back points (website in Finnish):

  • Packaging waste is collected at Rinki eco take-back points and collection stations maintained by local authorities. Take-back points:

  • Waste paper such as newspapers, magazines and advertising leaflets can be delivered to paper take-back points, of which there are around 9,000 nationwide. Take-back points:

  • Old tyres can be handed in free of charge in conjunction with a purchase of new tyres (the same type and quantity) at all tyre and car dealers, car service and repair centres that sell tyres.

    In addition, tyres can be handed in without a purchase at Rengaskierrätys acceptance facilities. Acceptance free of charge applies to rimless tyres. Take-back points (in Finnish):

  • Electrical and electronic equipment less than 25 cm in size can be returned without purchase to stores that sell the type of equipment in question (except for grocery stores of less than 1,000 m2 or other stores of less than 200 m2). Large household electrical appliances can be returned to the store free of charge when a new appliance of the same type is purchased. There is also a national network of free take-back points for electrical and electronic equipment. Take-back points:

  • Information about collection points will be updated on this site later.

ely-updated 02.05.2024