Extended Producer Responsibility

Producer responsibility applies to approximately 50,000 Finnish manufacturers, importers and packers as well as distance sellers.

Guidelines for housing companies

Housing companies must provide a container and a space for paper collection at each property and ensure that the property has arrangements in place for the collection of packaging materials in accordance with the Waste Act and local waste management regulations.

Paper collection from properties is free of charge

Paper producers arrange free paper collection from properties in built-up areas and residential areas except single-family dwellings. In practice, the paper collection facility applies to blocks of flats and row houses in urban areas and to properties with offices or production or service facilities. For single-family dwellings and sparsely populated areas, producers organise paper collection at regional take-back points.

Property owners must provide the space and containers for paper collection. The property owners are also responsible for these costs, such as rents for containers. The free collection and transportation of paper can be organised by entering into an agreement with a collector working in cooperation with a producer organisation.

Producers cover the costs of collection from containers and recycling of paper from that point on. The properties must not be charged for the collection or transportation of paper.

Properties that are located in sparsely populated or single-family dwelling areas can voluntarily contract paper collection for a fee. Properties owners can also arrange a shared collection service.

Further information about property-specific collection of paper (in Finnish):

ely-updated 02.05.2024