Extended Producer Responsibility

Producer responsibility applies to approximately 50,000 Finnish manufacturers, importers and packers as well as distance sellers.

Information on distance selling

Distance selling refers to a company or other operator selling products covered by Extended Producer Responsibility directly to the user consumers or businesses in another country. Distance selling also includes sales from one EU country to another EU country. 

The difference between distance selling and importing is that in distance selling the product is sold directly to the user, whereas in importing the product is sold on to another user by the importing company. 

In this section you will find information on the following topics: 

Find out more and watch the recording  

The webinar explains how a Finnish company can manage Extended Producer Responsibility  in Europe. The webinar has Swedish and English subtitles.

Karttanäkymä Euroopasta, jossa Suomi näkyy valkoisena. Suomesta lähtee katkoviivoja ympäri Eurooppaa.

ely-updated 02.05.2024