Extended Producer Responsibility

Producer responsibility applies to approximately 50,000 Finnish manufacturers, importers and packers as well as distance sellers.

Information on Extended Producer Responsibility

Extended Producer Responsibility for waste management applies to an estimated 50 000 Finnish companies as well as foreign distance sellers. 

Extended Producer Responsibility means that manufacturers, importers, distance sellers and packers of certain products have a legal obligation to organise the disposal of products when they are discarded. 

Extended Producer Responsibility is easy to manage by joining a producer organisation.  

The implementation of Extended Producer Responsibility is guided and supervised nationally by the Pirkanmaa Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre).

Vihreä roska-auto, jonka kyljessä kierrätysmerkki.

Extended Producer Responsibility promotes circular economy: 

  1. Extended Producer Responsibility means that recycling and waste management are free of charge for consumers.  
  2. A national collection network for discarded products has been set up. 
  3. Extended Producer Responsibility allows raw materials to be recycled and waste to be reduced. 

Read more about Extended Producer Responsibility and how to manage it on these web pages: 

  • What is Extended Producer Responsibility? 
  • Who is subject to Extended Producer Responsibility?  
  • How to manage Extended Producer Responsibility 
  • Avoid extra charges 
  • Recycling statistics 
  • Legislation 

ely-updated 23.05.2024