Business Services in Uusimaa

Yritys-Suomi -puhelinpalvelu yrittäjille, 0295 020 500.

Services for new entrepreneurs

Services for new entrepreneurs

The TE Office, municipalities participating in local government experiments on employment and the business advisory organisations in the region offer services that support entrepreneurship to those interested in entrepreneurship, those starting up and those already in operation.

Services that support entrepreneurship and are open to everyone include career planning guidance services, entrepreneurship training, comprehensive online services and Enterprise Finland telephone services for customers planning entrepreneurship. In addition, entrepreneurial planning is supported by business advisory organisations that provide business advisory services, which also include company start-up guides, as well as info events and events related to entrepreneurship planning and working as an entrepreneur. 

If you are planning entrepreneurship, you can find more information on services in the Uusimaa region on the website: Services and start-up grants for entrepreneurs starting in Uusimaa ( and for those planning entrepreneurship ( (in Finnish).

As a new entrepreneur, you are also supported by the TE Office's business services, from which you can receive support in matters related to business growth and recruitment. Further information on the TE Office's business services Business services ( (in Finnish)

You can find free entrepreneurship training courses by searching on the Job Market Finland website. Use the search words "Entrepreneur" and "Uusimaa". For more information, visit the Job Market Finland website. (


Get to know the services for start-up companies

  • Free business advice is available for start-up companies at The Enterprise Agencies and development companies, for instance. In personal business advice, you can get help in developing your own business idea and writing a business plan. You will also get advice on getting funding, choosing the form of the company, managing possible legal matters and marketing the future company. 

    You can find the business advisory organisations in the Uusimaa region at: Business advisory organisations in Uusimaa (in Finnish). 

    The website of the Enterprise Agencies contains comprehensive information for new entrepreneurs, including up-to-date company start-up guides in different language versions and video information for entrepreneurs starting out. For more information on the free and open services available for development companies and start-up centres:

  • The national Enterprise Finland telephone service advises new entrepreneurs on the most typical issues related to setting up a company and entrepreneurship, tel. +358 295 020 500 (weekdays 9 am - 4:15 pm).

    You will find plenty of information and services for companies and business founders on the following pages:

  • You can apply for training provided by TE Services to develop your entrepreneurial skills. Entrepreneurs planning entrepreneurship and those in the early stages of their activities can participate in entrepreneur training. Entrepreneurial training is available for gaining basic entrepreneurial skills as well as around different entrepreneurship themes.

    Read more about the training on the Job Market Finland website: 

  • The start-up grant is a personal subsidy paid to a new entrepreneur with the aim of promoting entrepreneurship and employment. The start-up grant is used to secure an entrepreneur's livelihood during the period during which the start-up and establishment of business activities is expected to take, but for a maximum of 12 months. The support is granted in periods of 6 months.

    The amount of the start-up grant is approximately EUR 700 per month and the subsidy is subject to tax. The start-up grant is paid once a month in arrears on receipt of a completed payment application.

    The decisions on granting the start-up grant are made by the TE Offices and the municipalities involved in the local government trial.

    For more information on the prerequisites for granting a start-up grant and applying for support in Uusimaa, visit: Start-up grant in Uusimaa (in Finnish)

  • Jointly with Uusimaa municipal trials, Uusimaa TE Office is offering start-up grant recipients in its area the free Startti Plus specialist service. The purpose of the service is to create good prerequisites for profitable business and growth and to support the development of the entrepreneur's marketing skills.

    In the Start-up Plus service, entrepreneurs receive sparring to improve sales efficiency and support for marketing skills as well as a written business development plan. In addition, entrepreneurs can receive up to four further meetings to deepen their sales and marketing competence and to support the implementation of the development plan.

    For more information on the Start-up Plus service, visit Start-up Plus (in Finnish)

  • In many tasks, it is enough that your employer assesses your professional certificate and qualifications as sufficient for the task. However, there are sectors, such as the social and health care sector, where there are various legislative requirements. In this case, you will need a decision on the recognition of a qualification. The competent authority in the social and health care sector is the National Supervisory Authority for Welfare and Health (Valvira)

    Further information on TE Services:

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ely-updated 19.09.2024