4. toukokuuta 2023, 08:30
4. toukokuuta 2023, 11:00
Wolffintie 35 B, 65100 Vaasa, auditorio Präntöö
Tom Saksa, Team Finland -koordinaattori, Pohjanmaan ELY-keskus (puh. 0295 028 614)
Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area, jota kutsutaan myös
Suurlahden alueeksi, on megalopoli, joka koostuu yhdeksästä
kaupungista ja kahdesta erityisestä hallinnollisesta alueesta Etelä-Kiinassa.
Pohjanmaan ELY-keskus, EnergyVaasa ja Pohjanmaan Kauppakamari yhdessä
Team Finland -verkoston Suomen konsuli Hong Kongissa ja Macaossa sekä
Suomen kaupallinen edustusto Taiwanissa, kutsuvat sinut kuulemaan ja
osallistumaan keskusteluun, mitä liiketoiminnan mahdollisuuksia näillä
alueilla suomalaisille yrityksille on.
Aika: 4.5.2023 klo 8.30-11.00
Paikka: Pohjanmaan ELY-keskus (Vaasan virastotalo),
Wolffintie 35 B, 1 kerros, 65100 Vaasa (auditorio Präntöö)
Ilmoittaudu tästä.
8:30 Aamupala
9.00 Tilaisuuden avaus
9:10 Markkinakatsaukset:
Taiwan, Jere Tala, Senior
Advisor, Team Finland, Finland Trade Centre in Taiwan
Hong Kong
and Greater Bay Area, Mika Finska, Consul, Trade and Investment
10:00 Round table -keskustelu ja Q&A
10:30 Verkostoitumista sekä mahdollisuus kahdenkeskisiin
keskusteluihin Jere Talan ja Mika Finskan kanssa
11: 00 Lounas (omakustanteinen)
China's strong economic growth, large investments in technology,
infrastructure, climate and energy sector and evolving consumer
market continue to offer new opportunities for Finnish companies.
While the growth potential in many sectors remains high, the
development of China's business environment is marked by certain
level of uncertainty. The sweet-spot between China‘s demand for
foreign know-how and technology will be in digitalization of so
called “traditional industries”. As regards aged care, the market in
China is growing and expected to reach to nearly EUR 2 trillion by 2030.
Unlike mainland China, Hong Kong is open and mature economy. Also
Hong Kong is China’s finance and investment hub and the home to many
global and regional giants having business in wider Asian market.
Hong Kong is the world’s second largest fundraising hub for
pharmaceutical developers and medical device makers. Biotechnology,
artificial intelligence, smart city and financial technologies has
been identified as the four key areas for Hong Kong’s innovation and
technology industry future investments.
Taiwan is a highly developed and prosperous island with a strong
economy and a vibrant democracy. It is known for its high-tech
industries, including the production of semiconductors and
electronics, as well as its stunning landscapes and rich cultural
heritage. Despite the current complex geopolitics, Taiwan remains an
important player in the global community and a popular destination
for businesses and travels from around the world. Trade between
Finland and Taiwan has almost doubled from 2020 to 2022 and was well
over EUR1,15B last year. It is expected to continue to grow also in