Construction documents – farm investments, direct business subsidies and rural development projects

The following documents should include sufficient details of the planned measures and should be attached to the construction-related application in electronic form:

Structural aid / farm investments:

1) Main drawings.

2) Specific plans relevant to the assessment of eligible costs; requested where necessary.

3) Construction specifications.

4) Cost estimate or calculation per building component, based on the construction specifications. The cost estimate or calculation should be drawn up for each building component in accordance with the standard construction nomenclature.
Link to Talo 2000 nomenclature

5) If the measure for which support is sought requires a permit from an authority, the granting of the aid is subject to presentation of this permit (e.g. construction or environmental permit/notification).

Direct business subsidies:

1) Main drawings.

2) Specific plans relevant to the assessment of eligible costs; requested where necessary.

3) Construction specifications.

4) Cost estimate or calculation per building component, based on the construction specifications. The cost estimate or calculation should be drawn up for each building component in accordance with the standard construction nomenclature.

Link to Talo 2000 nomenclature (

5) If the measure for which support is sought requires a permit from an authority, the granting of the aid is subject to presentation of this permit (e.g. construction or environmental permit/notification). In addition, a sector-specific permit/statement from an authority is needed, for example, for premises where food is made and foodstuffs are processed.

Project support (also Leader projects):

1) Main drawings.

2) Specific plans relevant to the assessment of eligible costs; requested where necessary.

3) Construction specifications.

4) Cost estimate or calculation per building component, based on the construction specifications. The cost estimate or calculation should be drawn up for each building component in accordance with the standard construction nomenclature.

Link to Talo 2000 nomenclature (

5) If the measure for which support is sought requires a permit from an authority, the granting of the aid is subject to presentation of this permit (e.g. construction or environmental permit/notification).

6) Repairs and alterations to culturally valuable buildings may require a statement from the National Board of Antiquities or the Regional Museum. The need for this is assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Further information on construction documents

Kaisa Käräjämäki, Senior Officer, kaisa.karajamaki(a) / tel. 0295 021 212


Uppdaterad: 21.02.2024