Rural Development Projects - Uusimaa

News on development projects:

  • Payments for rural development projects can be applied for now
  • The application process for support funds for rural projects during the EU funding period 2023–27 have begun in the Hyrrä service. Currently application processes are open for support in community investments, training and information projects, and cooperation projects, including farmer and company group projects and preparatory funding. Support for broadband projects is also open. The applications in Hyrrä service must be made in Finnish of Swedish.
  • On 2 June 2023 at 9-12 o’clock, we organised a remote event titled "How do you apply for and implement rural development projects? View the presentation material of the event here (in Finnish):

All proposals from the information event on development projects in Uusimaa on 2 June 2023 (PDF)

News on other forms of funding (select Uusimaa on each page):

Rural development projects

In accordance with the principles of sustainable development, the objective of rural funding is to diversify, renew and increase rural business activities, improve the operating conditions of rural enterprises and develop their competitiveness, and develop the countryside as a residential and operating environment to improve the well-being and operating opportunities of residents and actors. Support may be granted for activities aimed at strengthening the socio-economic structure of rural areas, promoting a smart, sustainable and diverse agricultural sector and contributing to environmental management and climate action. The project may be implemented locally, regionally, interregionally, nationally or internationally. The measure or its benefits must be targeted at rural areas.

Development project support may be granted to organisations governed by public or private law, such as educational institutions, organisations, associations or cooperatives. The applicant must have sufficient financial and operational prerequisites for realising the project. Support may only be granted for a measure that is organised as a project separately from the applicant's normal activities. The applicant must have a project plan.

When selecting projects to be funded, the key priorities of the Uusimaa Regional Rural Development Plan are taken into account

It is possible to apply for development project support from the ELY Centre. You can read more about this support on the Finnish Food Authority's website.

1. For cooperation projects

2. For education and communication projects

3. For investments

4. Preparatory funding

It is possible to apply for preparatory funding for preparing a business or a farmer group project, a producer organisation project, an EIP project or a Smart Villages project. Read more about preparatory funding (link).

Support levels for development projects

Development projects will be funded during the funding period 2023–2027 through EU rural funding.

The amount of public funding may be between 40% and 100% of the approved project costs. Before applying for support, it is advisable to check how much support the planned project can receive and how much private and/or other public funding is needed. Check the support levels for each form of support.

Applying for development project support

Where to apply for support? - ELY Centre or Leader?

The Uusimaa Centre for Economic Development, Transport and the Environment (ELY Centre) finances large investment projects of general interest and large development projects, the operating area of which is at least several municipalities or preferably the entire region. For funding, the ELY Centre prioritises projects promoting industries. Measures aimed solely at rural residents are mainly financed through the Leader groups.

Applicants are also encouraged to cooperate with other actors in the ELY Centre areas and to implement interregional projects. The interregional project operates in the operating area of at least two ELY Centres. The support application should be submitted to the ELY Centre of the area where most of the measures are implemented.

Read more about the implemented projects

When planning your project, it is a good idea to read about the projects that have already been implemented. You can find the project register on the website. Each project has a project card in the register, through which the party carrying out the project can report on the progress of the project.

Online application

The application is filled in online via the Hyrrä service. The Hyrrä service makes it easy to submit an application, monitor the processing of the application, and browse your own application information. Hyrrä advises on filling in the application.

The links below provide further information:

Aim to attach to your application as soon as possible all the information and attachments requested. Seriously incomplete applications cannot be assessed and thus cannot be included in the process of selecting projects to be funded. In particular, it is worth investing in the quality of the project plan and the accuracy of the estimated costs. 

See the following links for more detailed instructions and required documents:

Once you have submitted your application for processing, you will receive a notification that your application has been initiated. The costs of the project are eligible for support after initiation. However, the funding of your project will only be confirmed when you receive a decision - until then, you are realising the project at your own risk.

Selecting projects to be financed

Selection periods 

Applications for rural development projects can be submitted at any time, but the applications are processed after the end of the selection period.

  • PLEASE NOTE: Project support selection periods apply to company group projects.
  • PLEASE NOTE: The selection periods decided by the Uusimaa ELY Centre do not apply to the area’s Leader groups.  The application procedures for Leader groups can be found on each Leader group's own website.

Is my project located in an eligible area?

Please note: Agricultural investment subsidies and start-up support for young farmers are granted without restrictions in the entire Uusimaa region.

Check your project's eligibility for support in the map application on the on Rural development page, which provides more detailed information the eligible area:

Rural development – ELY Centre (in Finnish)

Funding guidelines

Familiarise yourself with the funding guidelines for development subsidies in Uusimaa.

Funding guidelines for development subsidies (pdf in finnish)

Selection criteria for projects  

After the end of the selection period, projects are scored using the nationwide selection criteria and the best projects are selected for funding. The application must contain sufficient information to carry out this assessment. The purpose of the selection criteria is to ensure equal treatment of applicants, better use of financial resources and targeting of measures in line with the objectives of the Rural Development Programme. The projects selected for funding are transferred for further preparation and, if all the conditions for support are met, the support can be granted and the project's application approved. In the selection of projects to be funded, the key priorities of the Uusimaa Regional Rural Development Plan for rural development for 2023–2027 will be taken into account.

Payment of project subsidy for projects from the previous programming period in 2014–2022

The payment of development project support is applied for electronically from the Hyrrä system. Read the payment instructions carefully before initiating the project.

Instructions and forms for applying for payment can be found at the following address: Payment forms, instructions and contact information

Changes to the project

Contact the ELY Centre or the Leader group in your area if there are any changes to the project plans. An extension of the project implementation period must be applied for before the end of the current project implementation period for a justified reason.

Communication instructions

The activities of the project and the EU contribution to the project must be communicated in an appropriate manner. See the link below for instructions on using logos in information material, for example. The communication toolbox contains ready-made templates that can be used in project communications. 

Further information 

Business specialists at the Uusimaa ELY Centre 

  • Email: maaseuturahoitus.uusimaa(at)

Uusimaa Leader groups


Uppdaterad: 07.06.2024