Application due date

The pay security application must be submitted within three (3) months of the claim due date.

Employee claims arising from an employment relationship are generally paid on a monthly basis and severance pay upon the termination of employment. Compensation for damage based on a law or agreement, which have no specific due date, shall be applied for within three months of the date on which the case has been ruled on in a final judgement or agreed on by a contract.

If the application has not been submitted by the due date, the claim cannot be paid as pay security.

Seaman's pay security application

The purpose of the Seamen's Pay Security Act is to ensure payment of claims arising from an employment relationship in the event of the employer's insolvency made by employees referred to in the Act on Employment Contracts for Seamen (756/2011).

  • An application for payment of the claim in the form of pay security shall be submitted during the time the lien under maritime law as referred to in chapter 3(2) paragraph 1, of the Maritime Act (674/1994) is in force.
  • In the case of an indemnity or compensation based on the law or a contract, but without a specific due date and not covered by a lien under maritime law as referred to in paragraph 1, the application for payment in the form of pay security shall be submitted within three months of the date when court ruling acquired legal force or of making a contract according to established labour market practice.

Uppdaterad: 16.01.2024