
The event will be hosted by Jasmin Granholm, producer and host for TE-live at the Ostrobothnia TE Office. 
The language of the event is English.  

Tuesday November 22 (onsite in Vaasa)

Venue: Academill, Åbo Akademi, Rantakatu 2, 65100 Vaasa  
Possibility to attend online and follow live stream via Brella  

  • In the lobby area at Academill 

  • Katri Niskanen, Chief specialist, Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment of Finland 

    Tomas Häyry, Mayor, City of Vaasa 

  • Work- and study-based immigration plays an increasingly important role in the future development of Finnish economy and society. Research Fellow Mika Raunio from the Migration Institute of Finland will discuss in his presentation how responsibility has been implemented in the Finnish competence-based immigration policy.

    Responsibility is not only limited to migrants but has broader societal impacts on regions. Responsibility matters also in reduction of regional inequalities and therefore should be taken into account in the policy as well.  

  • 10.10–10.25 Path for a smooth internationalization in a company – concrete steps and tools

    Regina Ainla, Manager of Diversity & Talent Boost Network from Business Finland, gives a short introduction to existing nationwide services how and why they can be used to strengthen talent attraction and retention around Finland.


    Information about national services for companies and talents has been quite scattered around the web. Joonas Halla, Business Development Manager from Business Finland tells us more about the new website project. The aim of the project is to build a one portal solution that guides customers to right services and inspires them to come to Finland or embark on the journey to recruit international talent.

    10.30–10.45 Relief on labor shortage, case Satakunta 

    Labor shortage in healthcare is evident, and employers are facing challenges in finding skilled workforce. A group of employers in Satakunta contacted Länsirannikon Koulutus Oy WinNova, who in turn contacted the local EURES adviser. After discussions with EURES Spain, the group decided to continue with the plans.

    As a result of cooperation, a number of employees are now recruited to different locations in Satakunta. EURES adviser Taina Tuovinen and Service Director Satu Remmer from Satakunta TE Office will present the case and the experiences gathered during the process – all the way from planning and recruiting until relocation of employees and their families.  

    10.45–11.00 Attracting talents and their families from Asia to South Karelia – experiences of the campaign “3 months (or more) by the Lake Saimaa in Finland” 

    How to attract Green Tech researchers, professionals, entrepreneurs and students with their families from Japan and Hong Kong to Southeastern Finland for three months? The Regional Council of South Karelia has together with stakeholders carried out a successful campaign, which attracted talents with their families to the region to explore investment projects, corporate collaboration opportunities and other employment opportunities.

    Project Manager Ding Ma from the Regional Council of South Karelia presents the experiences of the campaign and shares his views on attracting international talents.  

    11.00–11.15 Smooth and Easy Relocation  

    Recruiting people from abroad can be a complex process. Once the immigration permits are in order, the new employee will need help in other ways as they get set up in their new home country. As an entrepreneur, you may be concerned about dealing with all the practical issues in Finland. CEO Marina Velikova from Finland Relocation Services Oy will tell us shortly how employers can be supported by making this process as smooth and seamless as possible. Finland Relocation Services (FRS) is a pioneer in the Finnish relocation industry and helps companies to grow by relocating international talent.  

    11.15–11.30 Developing Finland's future-ready workforce through Vaasa International Talents 

    Many internationals come and leave the country without anyone knowing anything about them. They either got desperate to find their place, or they were not lucky enough to find a helping hand. And eventually, it is a huge loss for the country which needs thousands of foreign workers every year. This is why programs such as "Vaasa International Talents" are important. The program takes the responsibility of discovering international talents and empowering them with the necessary skills and tools for the Finnish job market. In addition, it bridges the gap between them and the different working life actors. 

    Vaasa International Talents alumni Hagar Elbarbary and Pablo Cisneros Chavira will share their inspiring stories with us and explain how the program helped them to get their foot in the door in the Finnish job market.

  • Lunch will be served at restaurant Strampen (address: Rantakatu 6, 65100 Vaasa). The distance between Academill and Strampen is ~300 metres. A short walk on the beautiful seashore will be refreshing!  

    Registration is required. 

  • 13.00–13.20 Why understanding diversity is important   

    How and why should employers and workplaces prepare for diversity and become even more inclusive? What kind of challenges are usually associated with diverse work communities? How and why we should tackle the challenges?

    Paul Fairchild, Chairman of the Board, E-P Wiise ry will discuss the above-mentioned topics and sketch a recipe for a diverse work community where employees feel included and welcome.  

    13.20–14.10 Best practices for developing diversity in a workplace 

    • Gambit – part of Atea, Head of System Development, Integrations and Design Hanna Salo 
    • Kesko, VP Employer Experience Petteri Huovinen 
    • Hoiwa, CEO Fadumo Ali

    14.10–14.25 Insider of international talents - spreading the Finnish value 

    Roham Malekzadehbagheri is an international student from North Savo who has been working in a fully Finnish Environment (in Governmental organizations in Finland) for 9 months. He will share his roadmap on how he survived with his broken Finnish language, but also could deliver well in the workplace!

    In addition to this, Roham had a mission to create "Working & Living in Finland" series of broadcasts to make Finnish working culture and values visible for international talents and bring on manners that are acceptable for Finnish working environment. But also, to bring more commitment for the Finnish employers when hiring internationals! You will get to hear more about Roham's journey and the broadcast in his presentation.  

  • Retention is everyone's responsibility. The company or the public sector cannot do it alone, but neither can just the coworkers, fellow-residents or the immigrants themselves either. Retention is a puzzle where each piece is as important. This panel brings together public, private and educational institutions to discuss how cross-sectoral collaboration is the key for improved retention. 

    Panel discussion is hosted by Emine Ehrström, ELY Centre Ostrobothnia & Laura Koivisto-Khazaal, ELY Centre Uusimaa.  

    • Tim Wallin, Lead strategist at Atea and Founder of Gambit 
    • Paul Fairchild, Chairman of the Board, E-P Wiise ry 
    • Martin Norrgård, Mayor, Nykarleby 
    • Nuppu Suvanto, Service Manager, International House Tampere
    • Francesca Cucinotta, Director, Transnational Education & Talent Boost, Centria University of Applied Sciences 
  • Laura Lindeman, Senior Director, Head of Work in Finland unit, Business Finland  

  • A casual event for Talent Boost Summit 2022 participants will be organized in the lobby area at Academill.  

Wednesday November 23 (online)

  • Participants can start booking meetings two weeks before the event on Brella. More information here

  • Empower Wednesday is an event series, whose intention is to support internationals to find their path to a career in Finland. The simple idea of the series is “event by internationals for internationals”. It has been organized in cooperation with City of Turku, Turku Business Region and International Working Women of Finland association. 

    Get inspired by speakers and participate in the discussion! The program starts with a panel discussion. In a panel discussion we will share the experiences of some speakers and participants of the events, what they have contributed and what they have gained. Then we will open the discussion with the audience, what do we need as internationals in Finland.

    The event is held online at Brella platform. To participate, please register to the event here. You will be sent more detailed information, instructions, and your personal link to Brella, closer to date in the beginning of November.  

    Got interested and want to get prepared in advance? Lucia Vuillermin tells what is Empower Wednesday, how it started and how it is going. Watch the short video here.

We reserve the right to make changes to the program.  

Uppdaterad: 21.11.2022