Uutiset 2019

Work it out! -event offers closer look at the Finnish working life (Ostrobothnia, Central Ostrobothnia)

Talent Coastline is part of the Government's national cross-sectoral Talent Boost programme to boost growth. In Talent Coastline we attract international talent to the Ostrobothnia region and we enable local companies and organisations to secure skilled workforce according to their needs.

Talent Coastline was born in January 2019 and it had its kickstart events on the 21st and 22nd of January, respectively in Vaasa and Kokkola; the team is led by Francesca Cucinotta, manager of the project. During the events the guests discussed the following themes:

  • How can the companies attract skilled work force, develop international action and increase the export
  • How can we get the students to get to know and engage to the many-sided economic life and the networks in our region already during their studies
  • What is the importance of the international talents to the competitive ability of the region
  • How can we attract the international talents into our region
  • How can the public and private sectors work together in attracting talents
  • What kind of possibilities and experiences do businesses have of international recruitment

The goal of Talent Coastline is to develop a stronger connection between international skilled workforce and the companies that need such workforce. Internationalisation is a very important tool which is often undervalued by companies. The acquisition of international highly skilled talents between the international students, asylum seekers and international researchers is vital for boosting the economy of the region and developing innovative solutions.

The next event that Talent Coastline organised in collaboration with ELY-centre Ostrobothnia, the Higher Education Institutions and the Vocational Institutions of Vaasa, is "Work it Out!", and it is dedicated to all the international students of Vaasa.

The event will be held in Kurtén Auditorium, at the University of Vaasa, on the 26th of April 2019 at 15. It will focus on working and networking in Finland, the speakers list includes representatives from Talent Coastline, TE-servises for employment, International Education Specialists from the University of Vaasa, Rotaract Vaasa, and a special guest: Joel Willans, owner and creator of the "Very Finnish Problems" Facebook page, and author of the bestselling book "101 Very Finnish Problems: The Foreigner's Guide to Surviving Finland." who will tell his story and experience of working in Finland as a foreigner.

During this event the students will get an insight about the Finnish working life and they will also acquire tools and advices on how to start building their career in the region using the services provided by the national and regional level services. Also the use of networking as a tool that improves the students' employment potential and that gives a boost to their employment will be one of the main points of discussion.

Read the programme here>>>

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