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Yrityksille suunnatut tapahtumat ja palvelut kansainvälisiin rekrytointeihin liittyen

European Online Job Day (EOJD) tarjoaa sujuvan ja tehokkaan kanavan rekrytointiin – osallistu suosittuun online-tapahtumaan Italiassa!

EOJD on Euroopan laajuinen verkossa toteutettava rekrytointitapahtuma, jossa eri alojen työnantajilla ja ammattilaisilla on mahdollisuus löytää toisensa nopeasti ja vaivattomasti.

Tapahtumaan osallistuminen on helppoa, maksutonta ja ympäristöystävällistä – varaa siis paikkasi!

Tapahtuman toteuttaa EURES-työnvälitysverkosto.
Alueellinen EURES neuvojanne Pohjanmaan TE-toimistossa on Marko Laukas, jolta voi kysyä lisätietoja [email protected]

Lisätietoja tapahtumasta tästä (europeanjobdays.eu)


Italian työmarkkinatilanne:

The Italian labour market differs widely between the regions. Industrial activity is mostly concentrated in the north, while people in southern regions mainly work in agriculture and tourism.

Unemployment figures are typically high in southern areas of Italy. ISTAT data for the last quarter of 2021 show an unemployment rate of 15.8% in southern Italy, a very high rate compared to that in other parts of the country (central Italy 8.4%, north-west 6.1%, north 5.8% and lastly north-east 5.5%).

The regions with the highest unemployment rates are Sicily (48.8%), Calabria (47%) and Campania (44.8%). The lowest unemployment rates are recorded in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano (9.1%), Trentino Alto Adige (12.1%) and the Autonomous Province of Trento (15.9%).

The gender employment gap remains among the highest in Europe. Female unemployment in Italy stands at 9.9% (last quarter of 2021) compared with 8.9% for men. The highest level of female unemployment is recorded in southern Italy with 17.3%, followed by central Italy with 9.3%. The regions with the highest female unemployment rates are Sicily and Calabria (56.7%).

The youth unemployment rate stood at 24.50% in March 2022.

Päivitetty: 06.06.2024