
Varsinais-Suomen Yrityspalvelut

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Business Services in Southwest Finland

This website provides information about the public business services and financing available for companies in the Southwest Finland region. The contents focus especially on ELY Centre and Team Finland services.

On this page, you can find a brief summary on the most commonly used financing instruments and services.

Internationalisation services

Team Finland network provides a wide range of services for Finnish companies that are looking to grow their exports. See a comprehensive listing of available services through this link. You can also leave a digital Team Finland contact request through this form.

Public financing

ELY Business Development Grant

ELY Business Development Grant is discretionary public financing that can be granted to SMEs' innovative development and investment projects. This can be a suitable grant if your company is for instance aiming for significant growth, expanding to new export markets or conducting Research and Development projects to create new solutions.

The grant can only cover parts of the project, and therefore the applicant must have secured the self-financing part before a positive decision can be made. If you are interested in this financing, it is highly recommended to discuss the project contents with ELY Centre already in the planning stage. A good starting point would be to draft an outline of the project phases, goals and budget.

The financing is applied mainly through the EURA2021 system. The financing policies may be significantly different in other regions in Finland. 

ELY subsidies in rural areas

There are other public financing products available for small enterprises operating in rural areas. These include financing for investments, development projects as well as launching new business operations.

For further information, please do not hesitate to contact our specialists. We will help you through the different stages of your company's lifecycle and help you find the right service to meet your business development needs. Through us, you will gain access also to our partners' services, including Business Finland and Finnvera.

For further advisory about the public business services in English, kindly contact Mr. Leevi Törmäkangas, (Team Finland services in Southwest Finland), Tel. +358 295 022 616.

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Päivitetty: 21.09.2023